This questionnaire is intended to be used for the doctoral research project conducted by Rusen Yasar (Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Cambridge, Department of Politics and International Studies and King's College, contact: [email protected]). The project explores the place of local and regional authorities in European politics and the functioning of international organizations in which they participate.
Your participation will be very much appreciated and will contribute to the better understanding of local and regional dimensions of European and domestic politics which are usually overlooked.
Completing the questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes. There will be four types of questions: on your local or regional unit, on your views on several political issues, on your international experience, and on some personal information. The answers are anonymous; the only automatically retrieved information is the date and time when you submit the form.
In case you do not want to respond to any of the questions, you can choose the "refuse to reply" option, or simply leave the question blank.
You can start by clicking "Continue" after the confidentiality notice. Thank you for your time!
The research and the researcher are bound by the ethical rules of the University of Cambridge and the academic discipline of Political Science. The research is also subject to ethical review by the University Ethics Committee. Via the following links you can access some guideline documents for research ethics that will apply:
Accordingly, the information you provide will be stored in a password-protected hard drive and secure cloud storage, and it will be processed anonymously and with utmost confidentiality. The data will be analysed with a view to contributing to a doctoral thesis and other academic publications that may ensue. If any participant believes that the dataset includes information that could reveal his/her identity, necessary corrections will be made to his/her satisfaction. The participants' right to opt out is inalienable at any time.